
What is SEO and why is it important

What is SEO and why is it important What is SEO and why is it important What is SEO, today we are going to know in this post. If you have just started blogging or you want to make a career in online marketing, then you must have heard the name of SEO and you must now want to know in detail about what SEO is. So you have come to the right place. In today's post, I am going to give you complete information about SEO. In today's time, online has become one of the best platforms to promote any business. And SEO is a very important role in online marketing. Suppose without SEO you will never be able to successfully promote your business online. Whether you are a blogger or the owner of any website, SEO is a very important factor for you, to bring a lot of organic traffic to your blog or website online. What is SEO SEO's full name is search engine optimization, SEO is a process to bring your blog article or website to Google's first page. Which incr

What are the things you should know before creating a website?

What are the things you should know before creating a website? There are a few things you should know before creating a website or blog. Most people want to make their own jump website but they do not know for whom and for whom they want to make a website. That's why most blogger's blogs in India fail. The new blogger writes all the things on his blog such as recent events, news or new information, no one remains stable in the subject and in the end is unable to attract new users to his website and finally his blog The visitors keep decreasing. Therefore, you should know a few things before creating your blog. If you want to make your website, then firstly you should know: • What is the main objective of creating a website? • In which subject do you want to create a website? • Who should meet on your website? What is the main purpose of creating a website? Before creating any website, you should know what you want to create a webs

Why is YouTube better than blogging?

Why is YouTube better than blogging? blog As far as I understand, Youtube is a subcompany of Google. Google is considered to be the most powerful company in the world. Nowadays people prefer audio visual medium to stay on internet. It takes a little hard work to read a blog, there is no need to work to watch videos and there is a lot of entertainment. Those who do entertainment spend a lot of their time making this content. According to me, YouTube is also able to give money to people by being the most powerful medium to reach people. If both blog and YouTube are talked about, then both can be used to earn money and you can earn good money from both, but still both are very different platforms and both have many differences. What is a blog - a blog is a platform where you give information to your reader by writing it like a book and by using images in it, you make it even more attractive so that your reader likes the information you give. And help him too.

Blog Vs Website (difference between blog and website)

Blog Vs Website (difference between blog and website)   blog Difference between Blog vs website: - Everyday thousands of websites and blogs are made on the Internet. The links of both the website and the blog are the same, and both are open even in all web browsers. The difference between a blog vs website is mainly that there is a design limit in the blog, but there is no limit due to the coding language used in the website. Let us know in a few simple words the issue of the confused blog vs website of these two: - Blog vs website (difference between blog and website in Hindi) blog vs website To know the difference between blog vs website, we have to read about these two. The blog Blog means in Hindi, online magazine in which we can read all kinds of news. Here one blogger shares information which is kept by other people. blog It is not necessary to have programming knowledge to create a blog. Blog developing plateforms like blogger ॰ c

How is helping new blogger

How is helping new blogger Blogger This article is about a blogging service called Blogger. For user (person), see Blogger (user). The person who is blogging ie blog or writing a blog is called. In the world of internet, blogger is called a person who continuously posts articles, audios or videos etc. on his blog. Vlogger posts videos with or alongside text and other content. [1] Some vloggers do personal writing, while others write about a particular genre such as humor, science, or sports.   How is helping new blogger Google Blogger (prev known as Blogspot) is a free blogging platform. You can Create a Free Blog on Blogspot (Google Blogger) to start blogging and making money online. Google allows you to link AdSense account with Blogger. You can also add Analytics tracking ID to keep eyes on your visitors activities………………………. Blogger Blogger (formerly: Blogspot) is a blog hosting service provided through the Google Blog

How to increase traffic to your blog?

How to increase traffic to your blog? Blog SEO How to increase traffic on the blog . When every new blogger starts his blog, once in google this post must search for what to do on his blog so that a lot of traffic will come to his blog as soon as possible. Traffic is very important for everyone and everyone knows this. A blog can never be successful without traffic. When you plan to start a blog, then at that time you should understand that what should I do after starting a blog, that I started getting good traffic from google and all other search engines and that too quickly. To increase traffic on your blog, a lot of things are important like - • How old is your blog means how much content is there on your blog. • Whether your domain name contains keyword or not. • How unique is your blog content • How seo friendly are all your posts. • Whether or not your blog has been submitted to all search engines. Apart from this, there are many things that are ver