How to create pages in blog? How to install more page widgets?

How to create pages in blog? How to install more page widgets?
How to create pages in blog? How to install more page widgets?
Blog Pages
create pages Hello friends and welcome to another post article of adfuturecorp. I hope that you must have created a blog of your own, after creating a blog, the more important posts you have to write, the more important it is to have pages in the blog.
What are the benefits of making a page?
1-If you want to put ad on your blog by advertising company Google AdSense then without creating page Google AdSense
Cannot get your account approved by
By creating a 2-page, your visitors can get more information about you.
After creating a 3-page, the blog also gets a professional look.

Which pages must be made in the blog

1-privacy policy
Make a privacy policy page in the blog, because in the privacy policy page you can make rules and regulation for the readers of your blog, what the reader can do and not on your blog.

2-About us
By the way, we can tell the reader from about author widget about your achievements, passion and profession, but I would suggest that you make your about us page and tell your achievements in detail.

3-contact us
Your visitors will be able to contact you directly, so make a contact us form, you can also give your contact number in the contact us form.
Please contact us in contact form
In this way, you should make more pages which are necessary.

How to create pages
In the last paragraph, we knew which pages we must create in the blog, so let's now know how to create pages.

How to create pages in blog? How to install more page widgets?
Blog Pages

Step- 1
First go to the website and go to the dashboard of your blog.

Now click on the third number pages in the left side, after that a new page will open.

Now click on the new page above.

Now write the title under which name you want to show your page.

Write all your information in a big box of information (you can write your entire page just like the post article here).

If you want to give a link to a post or website in your page, then you can also give the link here.

If you do not want anyone to comment on your pages, then click on the options in the right side and tick the allow comments below the reader comments.
Now after all setting is complete, click on publish above.
The work does not end even after publishing the friends page
After writing the page, you also have to put the widget of the pages in the blog
How to set up pages widget
It is very easy to put a page widget in a blog.

Step- 1
First login to and go to the dashboard of your blog, then click on the layout.

Now click on add a gadget wherever you want to install the page widget.

How to create pages in blog? How to install more page widgets?
Blog Pages

Now a new window will open in front of you, click on the + icon in front of the pages here.
Now a new window will open in front of you, whose screenshot can be seen below.
You can see that all the pages you have published are here. Now click here in the box opposite the name of the page
Note- The same page you click in front of will appear on your blog.

Click click save
Now you can check and see the pages on your blog
So how did you like this, let us know our post article and if you have any question related to this post or other post article, then ask us in the comment box, thank you for reading this post article.


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