how to create do follow back link for Blog

how to create do follow back link for Blog

how to create do follow back link for Blog
Do follow back link

Do Follow Back link: Hello Friends In today's article, we are going to tell you about Do Follow Back link, how you can create Quality SEO Backlinks for your blog.
Do Follow Back links
We all know that to increase Traffic on Blog and improve Ranking of Blog, we need to Create Back links. In which Do Follow Backlink is more important for us because Search Engine can only Crawl Do Follow Backlink.

Because of this, if you create No Follow Backlinks, then they do not have much importance for you, but to do blogging well, you also need No Follow Backlink, so you can do both Follow Follow and No Follow Backlink. Create backlinks for your blog.

Do Follow Back link
Creating a back link simply means that you have to submit the link to your website to other websites, so that the link of your blog gets added to that website and you get the back link. Now whether it is Link Do Follow or No Follow, you have to check it manually.

Now let's talk about how to create a back link, there are many ways to create a back link that you can use.

01- Blog Commenting
This is the most popular and used method but with Blog Commenting you mostly get No Follow Back links. Nevertheless, you must do Blog Commenting so that you can easily create Quality SEO Back links for your blog.

To do blog commenting, first of all you have to visit your Topic (Niche) related blog and check whether they provide facility to submit website URL in Comment section.
You can create SEO Back link for your blog by easily commenting on all the blogs that provide you the facility to add the Through Website URL of the comment.

02- Guest Posting
This is the second most popular and useful way through which you can create Quality SEO Back link for your blog.

In the Guest Posting Submission Method, you have to visit the blog related to your topic and you have to guest post on their blog. With which you can also give the URL of your website inside that post.

Before doing guest post, you must check the ranking of that blog, because if you do guest posting on a blog that is ranked higher than your blog, then you do not get much benefit.

how to create do follow back link for Blog
Do follow back link

03- Info graphics
You can upload Image, Video, Gif Image on your blog to other websites that provide the facility to submit those things. To submit there, you can submit the URL of your blog in the Description or Title.

Most Info-graphics sites provide you Do Follow Back link only and this is the easiest and useful way as you can also increase traffic with Back link by using this method.

04- Niche Forums
The forums work like an organization where all people related to a topic tell them the solution of each other's problem.

You can also submit your blog URL with your question or answer on forums so that the members of that blog visit your blog and also if you are having any problem, then they will also help you in solving it. Huh.

Most Forums provide No Follow Back link so you have to find such Forums that Do Follow Back link provide to you.

05- Social Bookmarking Submission
There are many Social Bookmarking Submission Sites available on the Internet where you can submit your articles.

Most Bookmarking Sites provide you Do Follow Link, so when you publish an article on your blog, then submit that article on Bookmarking Sites as well, which also gives you very good traffic.

06- Blog Directory Submission
Blog Directory Sites are created to store the information of Blogs, so you get almost all the category blogs on Directory Sites.

Most Directory Sites provide you the facility to submit a blog for free, so that you can create a Do Follow Back link by submitting your blog to the directory site for free.

07- Article Submission Sites
Article Submission Sites provides you the facility to write articles on your website, so that you can publish your articles on those websites and add the URL of your blog.

These websites also have some terms and conditions according to which you have to write an article and when you submit the article then that site first reviews your article and only then approve your article.

how to create do follow back link for Blog
Do follow back link

08- Document Sharing Sites
Just as Info-graphics sites provide you the facility to share images etc. Similarly, there are some websites on the Internet where you can share your documents.

In addition to sharing your document on these sites, you can also share your blog URL, which gives you back link.

In Conclusion
By using all these methods, you can create a Do Follow Back link for your blog, but you have to do this work on websites, so first you check that the website provides Do Follow Back link or No Follow Back link

For which the easiest way is to find a list of Do Follow Back link Websites for that Perticual Topic on the Internet and then create your back links by creating an account on them.

With this, your time can also be saved and you will be able to create more back links with less effort.

Now if you have any more questions related to this topic, then you can ask us in the Comment Box Thank You For Reading This Article Keep Visiting.


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