What is SEO and why is it important

What is SEO and why is it important

What is SEO and why is it important
What is SEO and why is it important

What is SEO, today we are going to know in this post. If you have just started blogging or you want to make a career in online marketing, then you must have heard the name of SEO and you must now want to know in detail about what SEO is. So you have come to the right place.

In today's post, I am going to give you complete information about SEO. In today's time, online has become one of the best platforms to promote any business. And SEO is a very important role in online marketing. Suppose without SEO you will never be able to successfully promote your business online. Whether you are a blogger or the owner of any website, SEO is a very important factor for you, to bring a lot of organic traffic to your blog or website online.

What is SEO
SEO's full name is search engine optimization, SEO is a process to bring your blog article or website to Google's first page. Which increases the traffic of your website or blog. And you all must know how important it is to get traffic for any blog or website. Without traffic your blog or website has no meaning.

In order to understand SEO complete, it is very important for us to first know what the search engine is and how it works.

What is search engine
The search engine is like a directory where we search any of our queries and we get answers related to our query. In the Internet world, Google and Bing are the two largest search engines and most people search their queries on Google itself. That's why we will also talk about Google here.

For example: When we search on Google what SEO is, we get to see about 10 different links on the first page of Google, which are basically the articles of different blogs that have written posts about SEO. The page on which we see these links on Google is called SERP (search engine result page).

What is SEO and why is it important
What is SEO and why is it important

How the search engine works
So you have understood that Google is a search engine on which we can get information by searching about any topic. But now the question comes that how Google gives us a related answer to any of our questions in a few seconds. Does Google keep writing all the answers itself, no Google does nothing like this but it happens that I or many bloggers like you make a blog about different topics and write posts on it.

This is the way many business people create websites related to their business. And all these bloggers or website owners have to submit their blog or website to Google. For which Google has created its own separate platform Google search console.

Today, more than 1.6 billion websites are submitted in Google. Those who are related to different topics, so whenever a person searches on Google, there are some crawlers of Google. A crawler is basically a robot type that visits different websites and tries to find out what this website or blog is talking about as well as the quality of the website or blog and its Apart from this, these crawlers of Google search in websites and blogs. And after that these crawlers show those top 10 results in front of you, which can give you the best answer related to your query. So this is the job of the entire search engine. I

 Hope you have already understood about search engines.
Now you will be very easy to understand SEO because you have understood the fund of search engine. We who are the blog or website owner, our efforts are always that our blog article or page of our website always come to the first position of the first page of Google so that we get the most traffic. And we have to do SEO to bring the first page of Google to your blog post or website page.

Meaning, we use some words on our blog post or website page that people are searching on Google, such words are called keywords in technical language. for example: - A lot of people search what is SEO on Google, so what is SEO is a keyword. Which we can use in some special place on our blog or website, you can come to the first page of Google because when you use this particular keyword in your blog post, what is SEO, then the crawlers of Google can easily understand it. You have written something about SEO and crawlers can show your blog posts in Google search engine.

However, apart from this, many things come inside SEO which I am going to tell you below. But now we first understand why SEO is important.

What is SEO and why is it important
What is SEO and why is it important

Why SEO is Important
1- With the help of SEO, you get a large number of organic traffic for your blog or website for free.

2- All the people who come to your blog or website through Google's search engine are the same people who are interested in reading your posts or visiting your website, due to which people on your blog or website spend a lot of time. Spent also so that you can build a trust among them.

3- If SEO of any business website is good, then that business website

5- On today's time, people spend most of their time using internet, out of that all people search on Google the most. So if we come to the first page of Google by doing SEO, then we can get a lot of traffic.

 What are the types of SEO
Now you have understood what SEO is. Now we are going to know how many types of seo are there. There are basically two types of SEO.
1- on page SEO
2-off page SEO

1- On page SEO
Through On page SEO, we make such important changes inside our website or blog that our article or website of our blog will come to the first position of the first page of Google.

Let me also tell you that those who live on Google's first three positions get the most traffic, so always try to bring your blog article or website to the first position of Google's first page.
In On page SEO we keep in mind some important factor which I am telling you below.

Use of keyword
On page SEO the most important thing is Proper keyword research and then using the keyword at the right place in the post. Keywords are words that we all use to search on Google. for example: like if i want to buy an earphone online then i will search in google best earphone online so this is called a keyword.

Now before writing a post for a blogger, the most important thing is to first search for the right keywords for which there are many paid and free tools available on Google. In the free tool, Google Keyword Planner is also one of Neilpatel's ubersuggest best keyword research tools.

When we write a post after researching the keywords, we have to use our S keywords in the first and last para of the post in addition to the URL of the post and in the heading of the post.

Loading speed of blog
In On page SEO we try to reduce the loading speed of our website or blog. For this, we compress the images used on the post and only use the necessary plugin, along with this we can remove all the spoiled files from our WordPress blog.
The lower the loading speed of our blog, the greater our chances of being ranked on the first page of Google.

Blog design
We have to make the design of our blog quite simple and attractive and at the same time navigation of our blog should be very easy. All the pages of our blog need to be connected to each other so that whenever a visitor comes to our blog, they can easily understand which topic our blog is about and along with that one page on our blog can easily come on the other page- People can go and spend more and more time on our blog, which makes our SEO better.

Title Tag or Meta Description
We have to use the main keyword in the title and meta description of our blog post. You must have understood what the title and meta description is by looking at the image above. Also, I have told you above about the keywords that people search on Google like what SEO is. So this is a keyword. Targeting this keyword, bloggers write blog-posts so that Google's crawlers understand that this post has been written about SEO and then they rank it on Google.
Along with using keywords in title and meta description, make it catcy so that whenever people see it on Google's list, click on it.

Post URL
Always keep the url of the post short and use the main keyword of your post in the URL of the post. Apart from this, your post gets a lot of help in getting ranked in Google or it can be said that this is also a very important factor of SEO.

High-Quality Content
If you ask me, in order to bring your post to the first page of Google, tell us one thing on which we should do it with the most focus. So I would say write a quality post.

Whatever topic you are writing a post about, write it in full depth and cover every point related to it so that whichever user reads your post, all the douts of that user are clear.

Quality content also means that there is not much grammatically mistake in the post and must use the headings in your post like h1, h2 and h3
Also, try to write your post in short paragraphs. And while writing the post, keep in mind that in order to make your post more seo-friendly, do not use too many keywords. Write your post for the user and not for Google, if people will like your post there If you spend more time and share, Google will automatically rank your post on the first position, so the content always according to the user's requirement: |

Internal linking
When you are also writing a post, then definitely add the number of your old post in it so that all your posts will be connected to each other so that the user can read the post on your blog quite easily, so that you can improve your blog's SEO Help will be available.

Technical seo
Technical SEO is like your blog has some unnecessary files that can stop the scoop of your SEO, so you have to keep seo audit of your blog: on Google you get lots of free tools where you can seo your blog There are technical problems you can see, in addition you can also see your blog error on Google search can.
You have to fix them. This too plays an important role for the SEO of your blog.

2- Off Page SEO
Off page SEO is basically that you promote your blog in an outdoor way that means you don't do anything inside your blog but try to place the link of your blog on the rest of the blog and on such blog Those related to your topic and their value on Google are very good. This process is commonly called backlink.
Backlink is also important as an SEO on the page to give your blog post a ranking on the first page on Google.

Backlink becomes very important when a quality post about the same topic you wrote a post about is already on Google, then in this case Google's crawlers rank the same post above those who have a quality backlink is.

  In 2019 or even after that, now we should only focus on making quality backlinks, we can only come to the first position of the first page of Google.

So there are some ways to create a quality backlink like -

Guest posting
We write posts on any other famous blog related to our blog and also give the number of our blog post there, so this gives us a quality backlink along with traffic which improves our seo score significantly.

Share on social media
Make pages related to your blog on all social media and regularly share posts there and increase your followers there because now Google also shows articles on top which get good response on social media.

Difference between search engine BRO (SEM) and search engine upsimize (SEO)
Search Engine DRM (SEM) - This is a paid way to bring traffic to your blog or website. Where we pay Google to make our blog or website visible on Google's first page.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) -
This is a free way to bring traffic to your blog or website through Google's search engine. In this we do not need to make any kind of investment, but in this we have to write some things in mind and then we can be ranked on the first page of Google.

Last word
I sincerely hope that by this post of mine you must have understood better what SEO is and why SEO is necessary for our blog, besides how are SEO types? If any of you give our suggestion or about our blog, then definitely comment us.


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